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Homework Tips

you need to know that if you are going to get the best score possible and the best degree and qualification possible, being successful at homework goes a long way to making it happen. However, we've got some tips that can make this process a bit easier.

Where To Search For Answers To Physics Online: A Quick Guide

One of my favorite questions to ask students is “what is the hardest class you have ever taken.” Some respond with “statistics,” and some will say “trigonometry,” but the bulk of them say “PHYSICS.”

Typically, the harder the class, the more help you will find today with it on the web. Students who have fought through this challenging class and professors who want to help have created web pages, exercises, interactive web sites for statistics homework help online, and videos to help you to not only succeed at physics but to prevail over it.

The Importance of Discussion Boards

Are you a visual learner or more of a reader-based learner? This is an important question to ask yourself before you set out, because you can find help via videos or lectures. Myself, I do not have the patience for videos, unless they are very short. I prefer webpages with graphics and exercises to help me to make sure I am learning.

First, let me tell you how I select learning materials—I consult other students struggling witn the course I am taking. I look for discussion boards first. Google Discussion Boards for Physics Students, Learners, etc. Also, Google searches for “What sites are best to learn physics for beginners,” and variants on that search term will lead me toward student opinions on what sites helped them.

This way, I get experienced users’ opinions who have already gone on the quest I am—to find help.

Webpages With Interactive Exercises

Next, try searching for webpages for learners of physics based upon your skill level and the level of your course. This way, the material will be tailored toward your level of expertise.

Look for ones with interactive exercises so that you can confirm you are really learning and can apply your knowledge as well.


YouTube is the university of the 21st century. Here, you can learn from students who have mastered physics or professors who teach physics but want to communicate through a video medium, and take, virtually, a whole course online.

Look for those videos where the video author has created a whole series of videos on physics—ones that take you from beginner’s lectures on through the harder material. In other words, look for videos with a part one, two, and three or more to them. This will help you select the really good ones.

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